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Affirmations For A Peaceful Pregnancy HEALING SESSION (Audio Download)

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Emotional Freedom Technique based, interactive guided meditation specially designed to help you remain peaceful and calm during what can be a challenging time in the life of any woman.  Make peace with, accept and love your amazing pregnant body.

What Your Body Wants To Hear guided meditations validate your fear-full feelings. They are perfectly valid. You feel what you feel and are entitled to those feelings. To help you move on from those feelings, I guide you though empowering questions to gently nudge your mind away from fear and prepare it to accept the idea that you can move into a more relaxed, peaceful and loving place. These slow and gentle guided meditations will take you on a journey from worry and anxiety to deep peace, love and connection with your body and your baby.

Give yourself the gift of a personal healing session like no other whenever you need it!. Day or night and as often as you require. Make it a daily practice and feel your worries and fears soften and flow away. ❤️

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Running Time: 29:49
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  • MP3 (3MB)
  • MP3 (29MB)

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