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Heal Your Relationship With Money CONTINUOUS LOOP HEALING (Audio Download)

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Unlock the power of abundance with our Heal Your Relationship With Money meditation.

This guided meditation is designed to help you tap into your inner wealth consciousness and attract financial prosperity. This meditation will align your thoughts and emotions with the frequency of money abundance, allowing you to manifest the financial abundance you desire.

Your relationship with, and beliefs about, money are often formed before you are five years old!

You probably don't remember, but if you were surrounded by scared people struggling to make it to the end of the week or parents who thought the way to teach you the value of money was to make you earn it by doing jobs you hated, you will have some strong subconscious beliefs about money!

Unless you have cleared them, they are still running the show! Other people's fears and beliefs are controlling your money mindset! 🤯

Clear out those beliefs once and for all!

Imagine the life you can create for yourself and your loved ones and the good you can do in the world when you've got so much money that you can do all the things you dream of?

This meditation will help you change those beliefs, make peace with the energy of money and allow the energy of abundance to flow into your life.💸💸💸

The same deep clearing statements, empowering afformations and healing affirmations as the original Heal Your Relationship With Money. This Continuous Loop meditation contains only the narration of the messages you want your subconscious to absorb and integrate ( I have removed the introduction and background music).

Put it on repeat and play it quietly in the background day and night. Really immerse yourself in your healing environment. 💛

🌞 🌺When we align our subconscious programming with our conscious desire, we become masters rather than victims of our programmes! 🌼🌺

Running Time:25:25


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