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Christmas and Back Pain – What's the Connection?

Why Back Pain (especially lower back pain) often coincides with Christmas.

Back Pain, especially lower back pain, often coincides with emotional life events. Consequently Christmas is a prime candidate to trigger it. However, anniversaries, New Year, birthdays, retirement, children leaving home, becoming a parent or a grandparent can also be powerful triggers.

Deep Emotions Trigger Back Pain

Whether we are happy or sad about them, these are deeply emotional occasions. Furthermore, when you look at the emotional aspects of lower back pain you begin to understand why it can so easily be triggered by what seem to be happy occasions.

It no coincidence that back pain often flares up at these times. Because emotional lifetime milestones can stir up such deep emotion. It would be strange if some part of our body didn’t let us know!

These occasions confront us with our own mortality. They can bring up deep layers of fear and insecurity about what lies ahead or about our standing in life. The lower back is often where we store feelings of being unsupported (emotionally and financially) and the weight of responsibility.

Emotional Issues Connected With Back Pain

Our lower backs are where we hold financial fears, unresolved childhood anger, feelings of victim-hood, limitation, negativity and fears about our future. In addition, issues of security, isolation, survival and being able to support ourselves (physically & emotionally) are often stored in the lower back.

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Because these are serious issues of survival, what some may call Root Chakra issues., we ignore them at our peril! Dr. John Sarno MD, a traditionally trained professor of New York University School of Medicine, came to the same conclusion. After many years of treating patients with back pain using standard remedies, he continued to get poor results until he realised that 88% of his patients also had stress-related problems.

It Makes Perfect Sense!

When you look at the emotional issues connected with the lower back, the fact that events such as anniversaries, birthdays, retirement or children leaving home can trigger it makes perfect sense. When you view pain from an emotional perspective it always makes sense!

What You Can Do Now To Avoid or Heal Back Pain

If you suffer from lower back pain, look for the trigger. Think back to when it began. What was going on in your life at the time? How were you feeling about what was going on? It doesn’t have to be anything earth shattering. Often our triggers seem quite ordinary but they are linked to something much deeper. If you want to avoid it, deal with your emotional pain, worries and fears now before they manifest as physical pain!

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