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clearing emotional blocks to self-confidence, self-esteem, creativity, self-love.

Self-Love – Clear Out The Debris!

Affirmations For Self-Love, Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence

(I offer these affirmations free for your personal use. Please do not steal them and publish them as your own.)


Part One – Clearing Out The Debris of Disempowering Thoughts & Beliefs

Many of us struggle with some aspect of self love. Whether you have the “I’m not good enough, I don’t deserve” track playing in your head, writers block or fear of public speaking, topping up your self love tank is vital. If you want more access to your intuition, wisdom, creativity, inner guidance or confidence these powerful, loving and empowering affirmations will help you let go of old, negative conditioning, connect more deeply with who you really are and tap in to your innate talents and wisdom.


Affirmations For Self-Love

(I offer these affirmations free for your personal use. Please do not steal them and publish them as your own.)


Science has revealed that only 5% of our daily life is governed by our conscious mind. A massive 95% of the time, we function from the subconscious. That is where our power lies! To create change we must find a way to instruct our subconscious. Every night as your conscious mind falls asleep, your subconscious mind is in operation. When you listen to a programme as you doze off to sleep it goes straight into the subconscious mind and reprogrammes it. For the healing results we know are possible, we strongly recommend you listen to these affirmations with headphones as you drift off to sleep.


With every breath I take, I am sending, love and gratitude to every single cell in my body! Yes, yes, yes….

Every part of me is getting the optimum benefit from this exercise! Yes, yes, yes.

With every breath I take, I am sending love, gratitude and healing to my relationship with my deeper self, my creativity, wisdom and divinity! Yes, yes, yes.

I release any beliefs I hold that I am not good enough! Yes, yes, yes.

I release the belief that I have no confidence! Yes, yes, yes.

I release any ways I don’t believe in myself!

I release the belief that I can’t express myself and be understood!

I release any feelings of awkwardness or shyness!

I clear all the ways I am too old, too young, too fat, too stupid, too anything!

The most powerful way to use affirmations to effect real change - listen as you doze off to sleep.

Affirmations For Self Love

affirmations for self love

I clear all the ways I limit myself!

I clear all the ways I don’t believe in myself or my abilities!

I clear all the ways I don’t trust my own wisdom!

I clear all the ways I don’t trust my inner guidance!

I clear all the ways I believe in limitation!

I release my fear that speaking out is not safe!

I clear all the ways I feel deficient or defective!

I clear all the ways I feel disappointed in myself!

I release any beliefs I have, that it is not safe to express my wisdom!

I release any beliefs I have that it is not safe to express my creativity!

I clear all the ways I believe I can’t access my own power!

I clear all the ways I believe I can’t access my own wisdom!

I release any frustration that I don’t know what I came here to do!

I release any frustration that I do know what I came here to do, but something always holds me back!


affirmations for self love

I release my belief that I need validation from someone other than myself!

I clear all the ways I don’t approve of myself!

I clear all the ways I seek approval from others!

I clear all the ways that I have forgotten my own wisdom and power!

I clear all the ways I don’t feel capable!

I clear all the ways I believe other people know better than I do!

I clear all the ways I feel beaten down!

I clear all the ways I feel different or less than other people!

I clear all the ways I feel isolated!

I clear all the ways I sabotage myself!

I clear and release all the ways I put myself down!

I clear any ways I refuse to give myself permission to shine!

Listen to our affirmations as you doze off

I clear any ways I am afraid of my light!

I clear any ways I am afraid of my shadow side!

I clear all the ways I allow fear to hold me back!

I release any fear I am still holding on to!

I release the belief that fear keeps me safe!

I clear any ways I have let myself down!

I clear any ways I have become disheartened!

I clear any ways I feel dis-empowered!


I clear any frustration I have, that I have not found my life purpose!

I clear all the ways I do not appreciate all that I have achieved!

I clear any ways I don’t recognise my unique talents and abilities!

I clear all the ways I am harder on myself than I am on anybody else!

I clear all the ways I don’t live up to my own expectations!

I clear any and all ways, I do not honour myself!

I clear any and all ways, I put other people’s guidance before my own!

I clear all the ways I have honoured others by dis-honouring myself!

I forgive myself for the times I have not listened to my intuition!

I clear all the ways I should know better!

I clear all the ways I have neglected my own needs!

The most powerful way to use affirmations to effect real change - listen as you doze off to sleep.

Download The Audio

self love

I clear and release any ways I have put others authority ahead of my own!

I clear all the ways I forget to remember who I truly am!

I clear all the ways I look outside myself for answers!

I clear all the ways I hold on to struggle!

I clear all the ways, I forget that I am love!

I clear all the ways I forget that every experience and every person in my life is part of my soul’s plan!

I clear all the ways I have forgotten that I create my own reality!

I clear all the ways I give my power away to “authorities”!

I clear all the ways I believe “they” know better!

I release and completely let go, of the idea that I am not creative, wise and divine!

I am Peace.

I am Love.

All Is Well.

With the same deep clearing statements, empowering afformations and healing affirmations as the original Affirmations For Self-Love. Our new Continuous Loop meditation contains only the narration of the messages you want your subconscious to absorb and integrate ( I have removed the introduction and background music).

Put it on repeat and play it quietly in the background day and night. Really immerse yourself in your healing environment. 💛


self love

Go To Affirmations For Self-Love Part II – Permission To Shine!

Create harmony within and unlock a healthier, more fulfilling life.❤️

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Customer Reviews – What Your Body Wants To Hear Self-Love

I said my first positive compliment towards myself and I truly meant it!!! Thumbs up! by Victoria Merula Proctor So I downloaded and on the first night, a great weight was lifted off of me. Two days later I purchase the self love package. Every time I listen to the relaxation or self love, I cry at some of the things. A week into this and I said my first positive compliment towards myself and I truly meant it!!! I even recommended to my fb group I run and they love it too!”

It boosts my self esteem and puts me at ease. Really like it by Sydney Morenike I have been using this app for a couple of days now. It boosts my self esteem and puts me at ease.”

This has helped loads with my self-esteem. Listen to it, relax, feel better and more confident. Gill.