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What if YOU Are Your Body's Spirit Guide?

If you have heard your Guardian Angel or Spirit Guide, or listened to any of the loving, inspirational messages from the wonderful, high level spirit guides all around us these days, you'll know that their messages are full of infinite love, gentleness, endless understanding, compassion and limitless patience.

They are with us always, in all ways. They never judge us. We may have travelled the same path trying to reach a different destination, through many lifetimes. They never complain, criticise, belittle, or judge us. They travel with us. They are by our sides, loving us unconditionally with infinite patience, gentleness and love throughout all eternity.

How does that compare with the way we treat our bodies?

What if you are your body's spirit guide?

Do you speak to your body the way our spirit guides speak to us?

Do you show your body infinite love, gentleness, patience, understanding and compassion? If you do, I applaud you.


Many of us, myself included, realise the power our emotions, words and thoughts have on our bodies and try to live accordingly. But even then, we can set up very subtle inner conflict that we are unaware of.

If you have ever said "how long will this healing take?", you have actually disrespected your body's healing process with your impatience. I know I am guilty of that one!

Healing The Heart of The Empath Special Package + FREE E-Book 50% OFF

If you have ever said "I should be over this by now!", you are disrespecting your body's healing process.

If you have ever said "I should have let this go by now!", you are disrespecting your body's healing process.

These may be very subtle, but they are judgements and they set up inner conflict.

If you were your body's spirit guide would you speak to your body the way you do?

You are the spark of divine consciousness that heals your body. Not with force, judgement, shame, guilt or belittlement. But with infinite love, gentleness, patience, understanding and compassion.

It is time to take this to an even deeper level. To become aware of when we set up subtle inner conflict by trying to bully, push or manipulate healing. To start respecting the fact that physical healing has to happen on our body's terms. To treat our bodies as our beloved spirit guides and angels treat us, with love, gentleness, patience, understanding and compassion.

Now is the time to nurture the Empaths!

Containing ten full-length self-help guided meditations and a FREE E-book, Healing the Heart of the Empath will help your heart recover from old wounds. Restore your shattered self-esteem and remind you that your energy is making a profound difference on the planet.

You are truly needed here. Your loving heart, energy, presence, understanding, wisdom and compassion are truly wanted and needed on the planet.

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Huge thanks to Matt Kahn for the original premise of this article.

Create harmony within and unlock a healthier, more fulfilling life.❤️

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