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woman travelling alone in africa uses affirmations for back pain to heal her back

Surviving Solo: Overcoming Back Pain While Travelling Alone in Africa

While travelling alone in Africa, Leslie's lower back went in to spasm leaving her immobilised and very frightened.

With no way to access her usual medical resources she visited energy healers, rested, prayed and did her own brand of energy work (MAP, Reiki and Visualizations).

Nothing she tried made any difference. As her pain worsened she became desperate. Having previously come across my back pain meditations, she decided to give them a try.

Leslie describes how her pain reduced, her mobility increased and her sense of desperation disappeared as she listened:-

"My goodness! I must say I have experienced great improvement already from your wonderful recordings! 

Your voice is so soothing, as is the music, and each time, I definitely reach what I call “zero point”== a VERY relaxed and deeply rejuvenating place! And I am happy to report that every time I get up afterward, there is definite improvement in the pain and stiffness in my back!! 

I must say that I was at quite a low point last night, after two weeks of attempting to help myself feel better, seeing energy healers here in Hout Bay, South Africa, and resting and praying, and doing my own brand of energy work (MAP, Reiki, visualizations), and STILL in pain — actually it had gotten much worse again.

 It was SUCH a gift to get the recordings and be able to listen to them last night (and twice today)! Sometimes you just need a little help from a friend, you know?"

I slept so well, and this morning, I felt about 60-70 percent better!! I am also impressed with your deep insight into what can be held in our back– so many of the statements resonated so strongly with me! I could feel my root chakra opening and the energy moving powerfully as I released those many, many emotions and beliefs– and I will continue to do so.


 It was SUCH a gift to get the recordings and be able to listen to them last night (and twice today)! Sometimes you just need a little help from a friend, you know?


Well, thank you again for all you BE and all you share! Please feel free to use any or all of the above in a testimonial in any way you choose!

Much gratitude and love,




"Hello Barbara,

I am happy to report that my back is steadily improving! I would say I am at 80 percent this morning! Thank you again so so much for walking your path, where our paths would intersect at this important time, where I really needed your kind assistance! I will be sharing with all about this!



Nurture your back with the care and attention it deserves 😘 Meditations For Back Pain

Affirmations for back pain

Leslie describes her experience.

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