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Affirmations for self-esteem & self-love

Building Self-Esteem: 10 Things You Should Never Say to Yourself!

Top Ten Most Damaging Things We Say To Ourselves!

Do you ever say any of these to yourself?

I'm worthless": This extreme statement reflects a deep sense of inadequacy and can significantly damage our self-worth.

"Nobody likes me": Believing that others do not care for them can lead to feelings of isolation and further erode self-esteem.

"I can't do anything right": This belief perpetuates a negative self-image and diminishes confidence in our abilities.

Affirmations For Self Love

affirmations for self love

"I'm a failure": Seeing oneself as a failure can create a cycle of self-doubt and prevent personal growth and achievement.

"I'm unattractive": Negative self-perception regarding physical appearance can impact overall self-esteem and hinder social interactions.

"I'm stupid": This self-deprecating thought undermines intellectual abilities and inhibits the pursuit of knowledge or learning opportunities.

"I don't deserve happiness": This belief can lead to self-sabotaging behavior, preventing us from seeking joy and fulfillment.

"I'm always to blame": Taking responsibility for everything, even when not warranted, can erode self-esteem and lead to feelings of guilt and shame.

"I'll never be good enough": This thought pattern sets unrealistic standards and perpetuates a constant feeling of inadequacy.

"I don't deserve love": Feeling undeserving of love and affection can impair our relationships and contribute to emotional distress.

Using these words against yourself is guaranteed to destroy your self-esteem and self-confidence, crush your creativity and stomp on your intuition!


Most, if not all, of these cruel and erroneous thoughts and beliefs came from ideas about yourself that you picked up as a small child. They lodged in your subconscious mind and became your habitual inner-narrative.

The good news is that you can dislodge them and replace them with a more positive and emotionally healthy narrative.

Start your inner-transformation now with our free Affirmations For Self-Love, Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence.

Start Building Healthy Self-Esteem!

The most powerful way to use affirmations to effect real change - listen as you doze off to sleep.

Download The Audio

affirmations for self love

With the same deep clearing statements, empowering afformations and healing affirmations as the original Affirmations For Self-Love. Our new Continuous Loop meditation contains only the narration of the messages you want your subconscious to absorb and integrate ( I have removed the introduction and background music).

Put it on repeat and play it quietly in the background day and night. Really immerse yourself in your healing environment. 💛


affirmations for self love

Create harmony within and unlock a healthier, more fulfilling life.❤️

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is an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the complex relationship between emotions and physical heath.

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