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E.F.T. Tapping For Your Toddler

How To Help Your Toddler (And Yourself!) With Surrogate E.F.T. Tapping

As a parent there can be few things that make you feel more helpless and frustrated than when you can't soothe your child. During these unprecedented times of worry and stress the little ones pick up our worries and frustrations and act them out. They have no other way of expressing what they are feeling and things can easily escalate into pandemonium.

I wish I'd known about Emotional Freedom Technique when my daughter was a toddler!


It’s wonderful to see Emotional Freedom Technique becoming more widely known and accepted. It is very quick and easy to learn and amazingly effective even in the hands of complete beginners. Not all teachers know, or will tell you, that E.F.T. can also be done surrogately. You can tap on behalf of someone else even when you are not with them.

As we are using loving intention and energy, time and distance don’t matter. You can tap for your toddler no matter where you are!

I won’t speculate on how or why this works, there are many different theories and for the purposes of this article, all I care about is that it helps someone out there.

Firstly Soothe Your Self!

We often project our fears onto others. In such a traumatic times as we are living through now you have to soothe yourself first. We are no use to anyone else when we are in deep trauma, frustration or worry ourselves. Your toddler feels your emotions and energy so by soothing yourself you also help them.

Three Ways to Tap On Behalf of Your Toddler

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Tune in to your toddler and tap for whatever you feel or can see is upsetting or traumatising them. The obvious ones are of course, pain, fear, boredom and isolation.

1. Tap On Your Own Body As Yourself

Simply tap as you normally would, but rather than state you have the problem, use your child's name for your set up statement. “Even though (child’s name or my child) has this problem (state problem) I deeply and completely love and accept (child’s name). Do the same with your reminder phrase.

2. Tap On Your Own Body As Your Toddler

Similar to the method above but sometimes this helps you tune into how your child is feeling more accurately. Bearing in mind how connected you are with your toddler it’s not surprising that you often feel exactly what they are feeling. Set your intention that you are your child, then tap around as though you are the child. “Even though I have this problem” etc. Remember to disconnect and come back to yourself when you are done.

3. Using A Proxy Item To Represent Your Toddler

This can be a really useful way to help you focus. Any teddy bear, doll or other toy will do. Simply intend the toy to represent your toddler and tap around the points as normal.

EFT Surrogate Tapping Teddy Bear

The Question of Permission

As a parent you only have the highest and best intentions for your child, your heart and intent are pure and loving. In the higher realms we are all connected, we are all love, we are all one. If you feel the need to ask the baby’s higher self or soul for permission do so but I truly don’t think anything done from such love, care and compassion can ever cause harm.

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