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The Top Ten Emotional Money Blocks -Their Destructive Influence and the Road to Healing! 🤗

Our deep feelings, emotions and beliefs about money were formed before we were five years old!

You probably don't remember because the messages you absorbed in those early, even pre-verbal years, came in the form of feelings, smells, tastes, sounds etc. and they lie in your subconscious mind.

If you were surrounded by scared people struggling to make it to the end of the week or parents who thought the way to teach you the value of money was to make you earn it by doing jobs you hated, you will have some strong subconscious beliefs about money!

Unless you have cleared them, they are still running the show! Other people's fears and beliefs are controlling your money mindset to this day!ᅠ

This early programming results in some emotional patterns you may recognise in yourself.

Emotional Money Patterns


Financial stress and anxiety: You constantly experience worry and anxiety about your financial situation.

Fear of scarcity: You often feel like there is never enough money and live in fear of not having your needs met.

Self-sabotaging behavior: Struggle with the inability to save money or make financial progress due to self-sabotage.

Guilt and shame around money: Feel guilty or shameful about spending money on yourself or indulging in your desires.

Lack of confidence in managing money: Lack confidence in making sound financial decisions and doubt your ability to manage money effectively.

Fear of success: Harbour fears and concerns about the potential consequences and responsibilities that come with financial success.

Negative beliefs about money: Hold negative beliefs about money, associating it with evil or greed and feeling conflicted about desiring financial abundance.

Inability to attract abundance: Despite your best efforts, you struggle to attract financial abundance and find yourself stuck in a cycle of financial limitations.

Resistance to receiving money: Feel unworthy or undeserving of receiving wealth and abundance, which creates barriers to financial success.

Feeling stuck in a cycle of financial struggle: Find yourself trapped in a recurring pattern of financial difficulty, constantly battling debt and an inability to break free.

How To Heal Them

We can't think, educate or wish these beliefs away.

We need to find a way to reach and reprogramme our subconscious minds.

To create change we must find a way to instruct our subconscious. Every night, as your conscious mind falls asleep, your subconscious mind is awake, alert and absorbing information. The subconscious learns by practice and repetition. So when you listen to an audio of the messages you want it to absorb and integrate as you doze off to sleep, they go straight in and start to reprogramme it.

Affirmations serve as the gateway to reprogramming this hidden realm. We have meticulously curated a collection of free affirmations for you, designed to penetrate the core of your being, bringing forth profound clarity and healing.

Read Free Affirmations Overcome Life-Long Money Blocks - Practical Affirmations


The most powerful way to use affirmations to effect real change - listen as you doze off to sleep.

Listen, overcome & heal your money blocks Download The Audio

affirmations to overcome money blocks and create abundance

With the same deep clearing statements, empowering afformations and healing affirmations as the original Heal Your Relationship With Money. Our new Continuous Loop meditation contains only the narration of the messages you want your subconscious to absorb and integrate ( I have removed the introduction and background music).

Put it on repeat and play it quietly in the background day and night. Really immerse yourself in your healing environment. 💛

Download Heal Your Relationship With Money CONTINUOUS LOOP HEALING

Affirmations for money blocks


Create harmony within and unlock a healthier, more fulfilling life.❤️

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is an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the complex relationship between emotions and physical heath.

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