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The emotional reasons we can't accept praise and can't hold on to money.

Why We Reject Praise & Can't Hold On To Money! 😲

We're hard-wired to fear the unfamiliar. It's a clever survival mechanism that has kept us safe throughout human history. Not too long ago, being rejected by your tribe or put out of the walls of your city meant certain death. Eating something unfamiliar was also extremely dangerous.🤢

We feel comfortable and safe with that which is familiar to us. Our primitive mind strives to stick to the same food, same people, same environment, same habits etc. That's why it can be so difficult to change.

Achieving the things we want, like success, love, money etc. can be desperately hard or even out of reach if they aren't familiar to us!

If you've never been praised it's unfamiliar to you.

self love

How many people respond to a compliment with a self deprecating comment? You say, " That's a lovely dress." They reply, "Oh, I've had it for years, it's got a hole in it." Or, "I heard you were the best salesperson this month." "Not really, it was just a stroke of luck."

Not only do they reject praise, they add criticism. They do that because praise is unfamiliar.

70% of lottery winners will go bankrupt in three years!

If you've never had any money, having plenty is unfamiliar to you. A study showed that 70% of lottery winners will go bankrupt in three years. If they haven't had a familiar relationship with money, only ever made just enough to pay the bills and had nothing left at the end of the month they will find it very hard to invest wisely and keep their money.


So how do you get familiar (accepting, friendly and loving) with praise when you've never known it or with money if you don't have any?

Do the inner-work! Clearing up your thoughts and outdated (often unconscious) beliefs, changes your energy. It also changes the relationship you have with yourself and with the energy of money.

Our free affirmations Self-Love – Clearing Out The Debris! get you started on your path to self-love. While Overcome Life Long Money Blocks - Practical Affirmations will see you on your way to healing your relationship with the energy of money. ❤️ 💰


Your ability to create money is intimately connected with your sense of self-worth and self-belief. You're not going to ask for a pay rise or write that book if you don't believe you are worth it or if self-doubt is sucking the life out of your creativity. That's why I created this special offer. ❤️

Love & Money Package 40% Off!

Affirmations for self love and money mindset

Individual Healing Sessions 

The most powerful way to use affirmations to effect real change - listen as you doze off to sleep.

Download The Audio ❤️

Read Free Affirmations Overcome Life-Long Money Blocks - Practical Affirmations


Listen, overcome & heal your money blocks Download The Audio 💵

affirmations to overcome money blocks and create abundance

With the same deep clearing statements, empowering afformations and healing affirmations as the original Heal Your Relationship With Money. Our new Continuous Loop meditation contains only the narration of the messages you want your subconscious to absorb and integrate ( I have removed the introduction and background music).

Put it on repeat and play it quietly in the background day and night. Really immerse yourself in your healing environment. 💛

Download Heal Your Relationship With Money CONTINUOUS LOOP HEALING

Affirmations for money blocks

Create harmony within and unlock a healthier, more fulfilling life.❤️

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is an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the complex relationship between emotions and physical heath.

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