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Self-Care Meditations: Nurturing Your Body, Mind and Soul.

Healing the energetic/emotional aspects of pain aids physical recovery.

Don't settle for generic solutions when you can have a healing session designed exclusively for your specific problem.


Glowing Recommendations

I have gone from dragging myself across the floor every morning in complete agony and dosing myself up on painkillers, to being able to walk completely unaided and pain free and drug free.

ā€” Steve Wentworth - Connect With Your Angels

This is absolutely wonderful! I was very skeptical, but this seems to really work wonders for all sorts is things! Neck painā€¦gone!

ā€”Teresa ā€“ California

My knee pain, of 6 months or more which I had put down to a torn cartilage, cleared up during very first listening to your knee mp3. Very impressive!

ā€” Graham Weeks

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The Most Powerful Way To Use Affirmations

Studies show that for a massive 95% of the time, we function from our subconscious minds. Our brains create what we experience in our bodies. In the case of chronic pain that can mean your brain has created a neural pathway which remembers the pain, stress and fear then perpetuate it.

By accessing the mighty subconscious mind, we can create new neural pathways and replace old limiting beliefs and behaviours with new empowering ones.

Whether you are struggling with chronic pain, self-confidence, money or relationship worries, you must find a way to interrupt the cycle and reprogramme your subconscious; literally change your mind!

The good news is that you have the opportunity to do that every night as your conscious mind falls asleep. All you have to do is listen to appropriate healing messages as you doze off to sleep. They'll go straight into your subconscious mind and with repetition, reprogramme it.

For the healing results we know are possible, we strongly recommend you listen to our meditations with headphones as you drift off to sleep.

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Unlock Your Body's Natural Ability To Heal Itself!

The Emo-Health Handbook: A Simple Guide To Where Hurt Emotions Show Up In Your Body reveals the profound connection between emotional well-being and physical health.

This comprehensive guide explores how unresolved emotional issues can manifest as physical discomfort.

By understanding the mind-body connection, readers gain self-awareness, empowerment, and the tools to achieve lasting healing.

This e-book provides a holistic approach to well-being, improves relationships, and promotes long-term health and happiness.

Discover the path to reclaiming your health and living a fulfilling life free from emotional burdens.

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Download The App. šŸ˜Š

Download the app. and enjoy a free meditation for Fear & Anxiety.

"So perfect for these times of mass fears!"

"I could actually feel the fear leaving my body! Amazingā€¦.love it! These are very powerful affirmative meditationsā€¦I could actually feel the fear leaving my body! Amazingā€¦.love it!"

ā€” Soul Searcher

Download The App. šŸ˜Š

Download the app. and enjoy a free Relaxation & Well-being meditation.

"Itā€™s great ā€“ very soothing and transforming."

"An easy way to relax, listen to something positive that can assist in changing negative mindsets and the healing and releasing of negative emotions and the hold they have on your mind. Change your thoughts, change your mind!"

ā€” Robin Seibert